Unfair dismissal
World Cancer Day 2022: Supporting employees with cancer
Enhanced protection for employees who strike
Employee unfairly dismissed when not given the opportunity to respond to a specific allegation
Achieving diversity goals without discriminating
EAT upholds different conclusions on same policy in age discrimination cases
EAT considers reasonableness of final written warning on fairness of dismissal
When is it reasonable to dismiss rather than to furlough?
COVID-19: dismissal for refusing to agree variation to employment contract is unfair
Dismissal for refusing to wear face mask can be fair
Over the past year, face masks have become an ordinary part of life and it was only a matter of time before they became the focus of a workplace dispute. In the first such dispute to reach a tribunal, Kubilius v Kent Foods Ltd (ET/3201960/2020), an employment tribunal found that a lorry driver was dismissed fairly for his refusal to wear a face mask on a client's premises.