Does TUPE catch workers who aren't employees?
Yes, according to the decision in Dewhurst v Revisecatch & City Sprint. Employment Judge Joffe, sitting alone in the London Central Employment Tribunal, found that an individual who is not an employee but still falls into the category of 'worker' should be viewed as an 'employee' for the purposes of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE). This means that such 'workers' are afforded the same rights and protections as 'employees' under TUPE.
Insight: UK Employment Law Round-up – September 2016
In this issue, we look at whether a job applicant can gain protection under the Framework and Equal Treatment Directives […]
On the Buses…
The case of CT PLUS (Yorkshire) CIC v. Black and ors looked at whether a change in bus service from […]
The Great Brexit Debate: Protection for UK Workers
We are, of course, coming increasingly close to 23 June – the date of the referendum on the UK’s continued […]
Insight: UK Employment Law Round-up – February 2016
In this edition we will be taking a look at some employment issues which have been making headlines and at […]