Laura Morrison
Full bioWhat’s coming up? Quarterly horizon scan for UK employment law
Employment Rights Bill update: statutory sick pay changes and the Fair Work Agency
Employment Rights Bill update: government response to collective consultation and fire and rehire consultation
Government to ban NDAs related to sexual misconduct, bullying and harassment cases in higher education sector
Employment Appeal Tribunal finds that commenting on a person’s accent can be discriminatory regardless of intent
Employment Rights Bill amendments: what do they mean for you?
Employment Rights Bill: a new era for industrial relations?
Beyond the Employment Rights Bill: what comes next?
- Atypical workers
- Carer's leave
- collective consultation
- Contractors
- Discrimination
- Employment contracts
- Employment policies
- Employment Status
- Equal Pay
- Equality Act
- Ethnic pay gap reporting
- Family friendly rights
- Flexible working
- Gender pay gap reporting
- Grievance and Disciplinary
- Industrial action
- Legislation
- Legislative Changes
- Maternity Leave
- Menopause
- Redundancy and business reorganisation
- Sick Pay
- Termination
- TUPE/outsourcing
- Unfair dismissal
- Whistleblowing
- Zero-hours contracts
Employment Rights Bill at-a-glance
What’s coming up? Quarterly horizon scan for UK employment law
UK Seafarer’s Charter: all aboard for better employment rights
Employment Rights Bill update: agency workers to receive guaranteed hours and compensation rights
New rights for parents: neonatal care leave and pay at a glance
When an employee objects: clarifying employer responsibility under TUPE
On our website, we explore a recent case, where the EAT held that a bus driver who objected to a […]